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With Swibble it's
all happening now!

The intelligent planner
organizes everything for you

The intelligent planner
organizes everything for you

For each
its color

Everyone has their own color, so everyone can see who has to do what.

Hide completed ones

You decide whether your completed tasks appear or disappear.


An event is coming up and you want to whip everything into shape? You can also schedule multiple tasks.


Don't want to see all the tasks at once? You can also filter them by people.

Assign tasks quickly and easily

Assign tasks quickly and easily

Over 100 pre-built tasks

Choose your tasks from an extensive catalog with recommended intervals.

Assign one or more people

Assign a task to several members and take turns.

Own tasks with your own pictures

Your task is not there? Simply create it yourself with your own text and images.7



Do you want to paint the children's room or plan other one-off tasks? You decide how often a task should be completed.

Looks great in dark mode too

Test now for free!

Test Swibble at your leisure because we don't set a time limit for you. The free trial gives you access to all features until you completed 30 tasks.

No registration

You decide whether and when you want to register.

One subscription for the whole family

One family member pays and invites the remaining members for free.



  • Can be canceled monthly
  • no time limit
  • 6 members


  • can be canceled annually
  • save 50%
  • 6 members