• Account

  • Do I need to register?

    No, you don't have to. If you tap Try for free, an anonymous user will be generated for you. However, keep in mind that if you change, lose or reset your smartphone, you will lose your tasks. By registering, you secure your tasks and can access them from any smartphone.

  • How can I delete my account?

    Please note that if you delete your account, you will also lose all the tasks you have created in Swibble. Tap the settings icon in the top right of your app: Then select Edit Profile. Swipe all the way to the bottom, there you will find the Delete User Account button. To avoid accidentally deleting your user account, you must first type Delete.

  • How can I change my profile picture?

    Tap the settings icon in the top right corner of your app, then select Edit profile. Now choose a picture from our Swibble avatars by dragging it to the center or take your own photo. You can choose this from your media library or take a photo.

  • How do I change my username?

    Tap the settings icon in the top right corner of your app, then select Edit profile. Below the profile picture, you'll find the Name field, change your username here, and tap Save.

  • How can I change my color?

    Tap the settings icon in the top right of your app: Then select Edit Profile. Drag the color you want to have in the middle and tap Save. Please note that colors that have already been assigned will not be displayed.

  • Subscription

  • How much does Swibble cost?

    Our trial version gives you the opportunity to test Swibble extensively. If you're happy and want to continue using Swibble, you can get a monthly subscription of $1.49 or an annual subscription of $8.99.

  • When does the trial end?

    We don't set you a time limit. So you can install Swibble and look back at it 2 weeks later. We'll count the tasks you've ticked off. When you reach 30 checked off tasks, the trial ends and you can then decide whether you want to subscribe to Swibble.

  • Does the subscription start automatically after the trial?

    No, of course not. You can test at your leisure. Once you've ticked off your 30 tasks, you'll only have access to our paywall. Here you can decide whether you want to subscribe or not.